Appendix A to this report contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972


Report to:



2 March 23


Capital Programme Monitoring 2022/23

Cllr Bastone

Portfolio Area:


Finance and Assets

Wards Affected:


Urgent Decision:


Approval and clearance obtained:





Clare Scotton

Pauline Henstock


Principal Accountant

Head of Finance Practice

Contact: 01803 861559 01803 861377





That the Executive note the content of the Capital Programme Monitoring Report.



1. Executive summary


1.1         The report advises Members of the progress on individual schemes within the approved capital programme, including an assessment of their financial position.

1.2         A new reporting process is in place and the narrative around capital schemes previously included in this budget monitoring report will now be part of the Integrated Performance Management Update reports (the update is a separate report on this agenda). The capital budget monitoring report will purely focus on capital expenditure against budget.

1.3         The Council will carry out a fundamental review of all of the capital schemes within the existing Capital Programme in Summer 2023. This comprehensive review will identify schemes which have not yet proceeded and those capital projects which are not able to be proceeded with. This will dovetail with the revised arrangements for the development of the Capital Programme which will have a top down approach. The Capital Programme will be informed by the delivery of key priorities within the Corporate Strategy and will also contain capital projects that are needed to meet statutory health and safety requirements or service delivery requirements.

1.4       The monitoring of the capital programme at month 10 (end of January 23) has shown that all projects are within their existing budget approved by Members. £10,668,626 has been profiled into 2022/23 with the remaining budgets rolled forward into future years (Appendix A). The spend against this profiled budget is £7,648,986 (72% of the budget) as at the end of January 2023.


2. Background


2.1       The capital programme for 2022/23 was approved by Council on 10 February 2022 (63/21). This report provides an update on the Capital Programme and also on those schemes that remain outstanding from previous programmes.


2.2       A summary of the Capital Programme is shown in exempt Appendix A.  The award of contracts is subject to the Council’s procurement rules on competitive tendering and therefore the allocated budget is commercially sensitive.


3. S106 Deposits


3.1       The list of S106 Deposits are shown in Appendix B totalling £7,054,789 as at 31December 2022. £624,968 has been spent on          various revenue and capital projects as at this date and £80,959 has been committed. A breakdown of these projects can be seen on      Appendix B.


3.2       Some of these S106 Agreements have a clause within the S106     Agreement which states that the Council shall be entitled to use up to a             five per cent (5%) part of the total payments and contributions payable pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement, towards the costs to be             reasonably and properly incurred by the Council in monitoring         compliance with the S106 Agreement and in assessing the details   submitted to the Council for approval pursuant to the S106 Agreement.


4. Options available and consideration of risk


4.1       This is considered on a project by project basis as part of the project            appraisal document and initial business case for each capital project.


5.  Proposed Way Forward


5.1       This is considered on a project by project basis.


6. Implications




to proposals

Details and proposed measures to address




Statutory powers are provided by the S1

Localism Act 2011 general power of

competence. The capital programme is

implemented in line

with the Council’s legal requirements, which

are examined on a project-by-project basis.

To date there are no undue legal concerns.


Since there is commercially sensitive

information in Appendix A regarding

the budgets for individual projects,

there are grounds for the publication of this

appendix to be restricted, and considered in

exempt session.


The public interest has been

assessed and it is considered that the public

interest will be better served by not disclosing

the information in the appendices.


Accordingly this report contains exempt

Information as defined in paragraph 3 of

Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act


Financial Implications to include reference to Value for Money




The monitoring of the capital programme at month 8 (end of Nov 22) has shown that all projects are within their budgets approved by Members (Appendix A).


£10,668,626 has been profiled into 2022/23

with the remaining budgets rolled forward into

future years. (Appendix A). The spend against

this profiled budget is £7,648,986 (72%) as at

the end of January 2023.


The regular monitoring of the Capital Programme ensures the Council has arrangements in place to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources.





The Council demonstrates that capital investment contributes to corporate priorities, provides value for money and takes account of the revenue implications of the investment. Regular monitoring of the capital programme and consideration of new pressures enables Members to control the programme and secure appropriate mitigation where problems arise.


There is regular quarterly monitoring of the Capital Programme to Members where any cost overruns are identified at an early stage.



Supporting Corporate Strategy



The Capital Programme supports all of the thematic delivery plans within the ‘Better Lives for All’ strategy.



Climate Change - Carbon / Biodiversity Impact





The Council declared a Climate Change and Biodiversity Emergency on 25 July 2019 and a Climate Change Action Plan was presented to Council in December 2019.


The Council has approved a budget of £600,000 in the Climate Change Earmarked Reserve.


Further detail is set out in the Council’s ‘Better Lives for All’ strategy.



Comprehensive Impact Assessment Implications

Equality and Diversity



This matter is assessed as part of each specific project.




This matter is assessed as part of each specific project.

Community Safety, Crime and Disorder


This matter is assessed as part of each specific project.

Health, Safety and Wellbeing


This matter is assessed as part of each specific project.

Other implications




Supporting Information



EXEMPT - Appendix A – Details of capital expenditure to 30th November 2022

Appendix B – S106 Summary as at 30th November 2022


Background Papers:
